For Iphones, Ipads, Android, Blackberry
Price: Free
Shopping apps that enable you to compare prices are really useful. Even better are apps that save you money instantly, with coupons listed right on your smart phone. There is no need to send the coupon to your email to print out a hard copy. Just walk into the listed store and show the coupon image from your smart phone to the cashier. They will either use the coupon code or verify the coupon and you have just saved money. One of the best apps for these instant coupons is called GeoQpons. This is a fantastic shopping app that is amazingly easy to use. GeoQpons lists coupons and deals broken down alphabetically by brand, such as Ann Taylor and Macys. With the touch of a button you can break it down into categories, including fashion, sports, dining, auto etc. For example, on the day I checked Macy’s had a coupon for $10 off any purchase of just $25.00. Abercrombie and Fitch had a coupon for 25% your entire purchase, no restrictions. You can also use the local option to list coupons for all local merchants. Hair by Andrea in Lafayette had a $10 off on a child’s haircut and Diablo Smog Test in Lafayette was offering $30 off of smog tests. This is a must have app for anyone who does any shopping at all.
Eric Pawlakos is a senior at Miramonte High School. When not at school he can be found playing rugby with Lamorinda Rugby, or learning guitar.