The App Rap: BARTRider
empowering women, families, and youth-at-risk through improved literacy, increased positive media, and tools for living.

By Eric Pawlakos
BART Rider
Price: Free. Developer: Sinan Akay
For: Android
For anyone that has ever ridden BART, one of the most frustrating experiences is missing your train by just a few seconds. After running through the station as fast as you can, you stand helplessly by as the train doors close and you’re forced to wait for the next train. However, with BART Rider, you will now be able to make that train on time. BART Rider is a very useful app that makes riding BART a more relaxing experience. The first thing it does is locate the station closest to you. Then, using real-time data, it displays a list of trains that will arrive at that station, with very accurate time-of-arrival. Gavin Shag, an Accalanes High School student says, “BART Rider is so much better than a schedule because you are getting real-time information right off of the BART system.”
For Lamorinda parents who commute on Bart, this app would appear to be a necessity. For example, rather than just hoping to catch a train, the commuter now has the ability to time their departure from the office at the end of the day. Bart Rider also lets you read any BART Service Advisories that alert you to any disruptions in service that could have you waiting for a long time in a BART station.
BART Rider also gives you a handheld ‘BART system map’ which lets you choose the most convenient station for your destination. In addition, it displays a really great street map of the area where each Bart station is located. You can use this street map as you navigate around unfamiliar areas as well as to find your way to the closest BART station. “This is an absolutely great app for when I am spending a day in San Francisco”, said Miramonte student, Carolyn Murphy.
For anyone who takes BART, this free app could save you a lot of aggravation.
Eric Pawlakos is a junior at Miramonte High School. When not at school he can be found playing rugby with Lamorinda Rugby, or learning guitar.

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