empowering women, families, and youth-at-risk through improved literacy, increased positive media, and tools for living.
Frank Celen Boys and Girls Club
Salvation Army
Christmas Come True, Florida
First Books
Super Stars Literacy
Lincoln Child Center
Shelter, Inc.
Operation Life Transformed (military families)
Pet Loss Support Group (people / pets grief)
Boys and Girls Club (young people)
Safe Haven for Little People (Homeless and Abused children)
Born Free Program (Teen pregnancies and babies)
STAND (abused women)
Northern Calif. Family Center SAFE PLACE (runaway teens and crisis center)
Community Substance Abuse Center (alcohol and substance abuse)
LITA (Love is the Answer) for people in Nursing Homes
Children’s Hospital (children and teens)
Reach Out & Read (childrens’ literacy)
Wardrobe for Opportunity (low income women re-entering workplace)
Juvenile Hall Auxiliary (kids-at-risk)
Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF)
Bay Area Crisis Nursery
Youth Industry
Chris Adams Girls Center (troubled girls)
The Orin Allen Youth Rehabilitation Facility
The Edgar Transition Center (Teens)
The Summit Center (forgotten young people)
Family Stress Center
Family Support Center
The Jewish Children's Bureau, Illinois
The Office of the Public Guardian, Illinois (abused kids)
Chai Lifeline, Illinois (children with life threatening illness)
Native American Life Skills Center
New York Fire Department Family Crisis Center
Girls, Inc
Camp Kimble for Kids
Wngz to Fly (Foster Kids)
Literacy Link (Southwest States)
Rape Crisis Center
Nashvllle Library
Threads, Hope, & Love, Illinois
Gifford Tornado Recovery, Illinois
Washington Fire Department, Illinois
Middleton Elementary Toy Drive, S. Ca.
Americorps-Minnesota Literacy Corps
Kaiser Hospital
UCSF Children's Hospital
Prisoner's Literacy Project
Catholic Charities
Lion's Club (disaster relief)
Moraga Library
GreenBrian Children's Center, Georgia
Hamilton Family Center (Homeless families)
Paul F. Byrd Mathematics Scholarship Program at San Jose State University
Monument Crisis Center(assistance to low-income families)
JoAnn Cayce Charities, Thornton Arkansas (poverty stricken families and children)
Cheerful Givers, Minnesota (children ages 3-12)
Contra Costs County Library
Horace Ketchens, Hurricane Katrina
Walnut Creek Volunteer Center
Union Parish Library (Gulf Coast Hurricane Relief)
Farmerville Elementary School
Farmerville Middle School
Union Council on Aging (seniors)
DART-Domestic Abuse (abused women and children
Joaquin Moraga Intermediate School Book Club
Write On! Literacy Charity for Youth, Los Angeles
Bay Area Rescue Mission
Habitat for Humanity
Center for the Early Intervention on Deafness
Bret Harte Memorial Foundation
Mountain View Community Church, San Diego Fires
Casa de Amparo, Oceanside
The Rock Church
Toys for Tots
Motor City Kids
Tota Sanctuary
Motor City Kids
Operation Life Transformed
Books for the Barrio
Super Stars Literacy
Lincoln Child Center
Shelter, Inc.
Gateway High School (youth at risk)
Child Abusive Prevention Council
Food Bank of Contra Costa & Solano
Adopt-A-Classroom, Joplin, Missouri
Access Family Care, Neosho, Missouri
St. Joseph's Indian (Lakota-Sioux) School, SD
Angels of God Clothing Closet, New Jersey
Spark of Love, Los Angeles Fire Department
Moraga Fire Department
UCSF Benioff Hospital
Valley Fire Victims
Children's Book Project
Red Cross
Lions's Club, Redding
Foster Kids Camp, N. California
Mateo Lodge
Santa Cruz Lightning Fire Survivors
The Lewis House (Women's Shelter)
Dakota Woodlands (Women's Shelter)
Brighter Futures, Literacy Nonprofit
Interested in becoming a beneficiary?
Send us information about your charity or cause along with your appeal.
Email: Mail: Be the Star You Are!®,
PO Box 376,
Moraga, Ca. 94556
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Partial listing of organizations who have benefited from resources donated by Be the Star You Are!® charity.
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