What Would You Be?
empowering women, families, and youth-at-risk through improved literacy, increased positive media, and tools for living.
By Elizabeth Chenok
If I had all the money in the world and knew I couldn’t fail, I would set up arts programs all across the United States. We are fortunate enough at Miramonte to have the Education Foundation of Orinda (EFO), but many schools don’t have that luxury.

“I’ve been in drama for all three years of high school,” said junior Maya Konstantino, “It’s improved my confidence, helped me become a better speaker, and introduced me to people I would never have connected with.”

According to the US DOE, high school students having at least one year of a visual performing arts class helps their development as a student. Students get the opportunities they “would never have! Crafts is really cool and there are so many different projects,” said sophomore Ellie Poiling.
I think that students all over the states need the opportunity to grow and develop with arts, music, and drama in their life. With the money in the world I could help set up foundations similar to EFO in districts. It would not only provide jobs for teachers, students would benefit exponentially.

“Singing every day is an outlet that I love, the people around me have become my family, and I’ve gotten more technical with my singing and music theory,” said junior Emma Patton, part of Choral Artists, the highest choir Miramonte offers.

Elizabeth Chenok is a junior at Miramonte High School and is a huge arts advocate. She enjoys being in nature, dancing, acting, cooking and spending time with her friends.

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