What Would You Be...?
empowering women, families, and youth-at-risk through improved literacy, increased positive media, and tools for living.
By Teresa So 2011
There is so much that I want to do. I want to be able to travel the world, live in different places, experience different cultures, and learn many languages. I also want to set up a giant no-kill shelter for all animals that can spread from the West to the East and back; also, puppy mills will be forever outlawed and animal fighting permanently stopped.  I want to be the most is the top events-entertainment planner and have my own widely known company. This way, I can travel to different countries, planning events, and I can set up a shelter everywhere I go. It would be one stone, three birds. I can host events in everything—from simple fundraisers to concerts and celebrity fan services. I love organizing fun things to do and to be able to work with someone famous would be amazing. And since I know I would not fail and money’s not an issue, I can basically do anything I want. With my event-planning company to bring in clients and awareness, I can open a no-kill shelter for all animals, from domestic animals like dogs and cats to the wild ones, such as tigers and alligators. Of course, it won’t be easy because it would be new so not many people know about it, but my planning business can draw notice as I travel the world and hold events. As more and more people know about the shelter and its goals, it will become easier as there will be people willing to be volunteers and dedicated employees, all aiming toward the same goals.  Some of you out there may ask, why animals? Why not world peace or fighting poverty? True, world peace and fighting poverty are one of the biggest problems we have today. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for world peace and a world where everyone is full when they go to bed. But I feel that there are already many people who are working on those issues now. Animals cannot communicate in words what they want or how they feel. For me, I feel that it is much harder for animals to survive, so to speak, in a world where everyone is so modern and all technological and all for mankind and survival of the “two-legs”. Whether or not it is the “correct” choice, it is a choice that I choose to make to help animals. I know this sounds farfetched, as it is a stretch from opening a shelter to travelling the world or holding all kinds of events. But I truly believe that if a dream can be achieved if enough effort and thought is put into it. It takes little to have a dream but it takes a lot to achieve it. And by putting pure energy and enthusiasm into a dream, you can’t fail, especially if money is not an issue.
Teresa So is a high schooler who likes to write essays and reviews.

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